University Degree in the Science and Technology of Viticulture and Winemaking (University program until academic year 2008/2009)


Title Format (Language, Size, Last Update)
Manifesto a.a. 2009/10 CdL triennale in Scienze e Tecnologie Viticole ed Enologiche classe 20 ex. D.M. 509/99 e L25 ex. D.M. 270/04 pdf pdf, it, 1178 KB, 31/07/09 
Manifesto a.a. 2010/11 CdL triennale in Scienze e Tecnologie Viticole ed Enologiche classe 20 ex. D.M. 509/99 pdf pdf, it, 16 KB, 07/09/10 
Manifesto degli studi A.a. 08/09 msword msword, it, 107 KB, 29/10/08 
Regolamento didattico L-20 pdf pdf, it, 174 KB, 12/10/10 