Industrial biotechnological processes (2010/2011)

Course partially running

Course code
Name of lecturer
Franco Cecchi
Franco Cecchi
Number of ECTS credits allocated
Academic sector
Language of instruction
I semestre dal Oct 4, 2010 al Jan 31, 2011.

Lesson timetable

Learning outcomes

On the basis of fundamental knowledge of mass and energy balances, transport phenomena, kinetic and biological reactor acquired during the course of Impianti biochimici and Bioreattori the course is to develop the whole biotechnology industrial processes (from design to the key variables and management control).This will allow the student to acquire the ability to define the general elements of design, monitoring and control of a process and supply chain operations of its component unit.
In particular we focus our attention on the processes concerning waste water treatment, energy recovery from sugar substrates and energy recovery from biomass.


1.Waste water treatment:

·Objectives of the biological treatment and the role of microorganisms
·Main biological treatment processes
·The activated sludge processes: removal of carbon source; sizing and process control
·yields and process stability
·The secondary sedimentation
·Defining the parameters for controlling and monitoring process
·Elements of the design of activated sludge process
·activated sludge process and its development
·advanced biological processes for removing nitrogen and phosphorus
·Plant block-flow diagram

2.Energy recovery from sugar “sources”:

·legislation on Bioethanol in Europe and Italy
·Bioethanol: the pretreatment and fermentation processes of the main feedstock for ethanol in the first and second generation
·The theory of phase equilibria
·The main parameters of the distillation column and sizing according to McCabe-Thiele method

3.Energy recovery from biomass:

·The anaerobic digestion process: principles, control parameters and monitoring
·Interaction between anaerobic digestion and waste water treatment plant
·The co-digestion process with different organic feedstock
·Design of anaerobic digestion process, elements of energy recovery

Assessment methods and criteria

The exam consists of a written test, with exercises and theoretical questions; if necessary also an oral test is possible to complete the student evaluation

