Aim of the course is to give to the students the bases necessary for the understanding of chemical transformations that matter undergo inside living organisms putting them in relation with qualitative and quantitative aspects of agricultural production with particular emphasis on viticulture and enology. The goal will pursued by describing the structure and the functions of biomolecules and the properties of the enzymes. Membranes transport phenomena and main metabolic cycles including nitrogen and sulfur assimilation will also be presented.
Structure and functions of biomolecules: amino acids and proteins, carbohydrates, lipids. Enzymes: kinetic, inhibition, regulation. Notes on cellular energetics. Membranes: functions, transport systems, characteristics of membrane proteins. Oxidation of sugars, ADP phopsphorilation. Notes on β-oxitdation of fatty acids and glioxylate cicle. Penthose phosphate cycle. Photosyntesis in C3 plants. Nitrogen and sulfur assimilation.
Oral examination
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