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The Biocrystallography laboratory introduces the students into the fundamentals of the field, particularly biological crystal growth. In addition to coveringh the practical aspects of protein crystal preparation, a diffraction data is collected and a protein structure is solved.
The Biocrystallography practical lessons entail a series of meetings focused on the following arguments:
1) An introduction covering macromolecular crystallization theory and the most used techniques.
2) Preparation of protein crystals using Microdialysis, Hanging and Sitting drop.
3) Collection of a dataset with a rotating anode conventional source, an image plate detector and a low temperature cooling system.
4) Data processing and analysis.
5) Solution of a protein structure using molecular replacement techniques.
6) Protein model building and refinement.
7) Presentation of the most widely used programs for molecular graphics.
This topics are part of the Biocrystallography oral examination
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