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The aim of the Physical Chemistry II course for the two year higher Degree on Molecular and Industrial Biotechnology is to develop the ability to describe from a quantitative point of view the properties of macromolecules, specially those of biological interest. In the laboratory the students are given total freedom to prepare the experiments, allowing them to apply the theory learned during the class lessons to everyday work in a research laboratory.
The Physical Chemistry II laboratory course requires 6 half days during which the students must prepare all the required reagents and perform three types of experiments:
1) Solution calorimetry: study of the enthalpy of proton transfer to glycine.
2) Spectrophotometry: determination of the dissociation constant for a weak acid.
3) Enzymatic kinetics: determination of the activation energy for a reaction catalyzed both by an enzyme and by an acid.
During the last day, using the computer facilities of the Physical Chemistry Laboratory, the data collected during the experiments is used to write the final report.
A final report must be prepared before taking the final oral examination in Physical Chemistry II.
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