Masters in Molecular and Industrial Biotechniques

Course modules

Course partially running

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First term from 10/4/04 to 1/24/05
years TTA E-lrng Name Teacher or coordinator
B Bioinformatics Raffaele Calogero
A Chemisty Physics II Ugo Luigi Monaco
C Genomes, genetic information and expression in procaryotic and eukaryotic organisms Angelo Spena
A Infobiotics Vincenzo Manca

Second semester from 3/1/05 to 6/10/05
years TTA E-lrng Name Teacher or coordinator
B Biocrystallography Ugo Luigi Monaco
Biophysics Alessandro Romeo
B Biopolymers and NMR analysis Henriette Molinari
D Molecular oncology Aldo Scarpa (Coordinator)
C/S Intellectual property Lorenzo Albertini

List of teachings with the periods that have not been assigned
years TTA E-lrng Name Teacher or coordinator
Industrial enzymology not yet allocated

Further didactic activities

