Bachelor in Agroindustrial Biotechnology (old system)

Course modules

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I semester from 10/1/03 to 1/23/04
years TTA E-lrng Name Teacher or coordinator
Biomolecular Databases Federico Fogolari (Coordinator)
Company Economics and Management (Agricultural Economics and Politics) year IV Francesco Pecci
Biochemical Methodology Alessandra Maria Bossi
Numerical Analysis Angelo Pica (Coordinator)
Immunology Roberto Chignola
Food Microbiology Sandra Torriani
Industrial Microbiology Giovanni Vallini
4° 5° Development Biology and Vegetable Morphogenesis Flavia Guzzo
4° 5° Enzymology Alessandra Maria Bossi
4° 5° Mycology Giuseppe Firrao
4° 5° Food Technology Processes Angelo Dal Belin Peruffo
4° 5° Agricultural Product Preservation Technology Corrado Rizzi

II semester from 3/1/04 to 6/12/04
years TTA E-lrng Name Teacher or coordinator
Genetic Biotechnology Massimo Delledonne
4° 5° Chemical, Physical and Sensorial Food Analysis Angelo Dal Belin Peruffo
4° 5° Biocrystallography Ugo Luigi Monaco
4° 5° Biopolymers Henriette Molinari
4° 5° Phytopathological Biotechnology Annalisa Polverari
4° 5° Plant Genetics not yet allocated
4° 5° Biochemical Systems Franco Cecchi
4° 5° Common Operations of Food Technology Pier Giorgio Pifferi
4° 5° Environmental Biotechnological Processes Franco Cecchi

Further didactic activities

