Molecularly imprinted polymers to target biomolecules: from macro to nano format.

Relatore:  Dr. Carlo Gonzato - Universitè de Technologie de Compiegne (France)
  giovedì 22 novembre 2018 alle ore 8.30
Nano-biomimetic materials play key role in the development of enrichment methods and of quantitative analytical technologies to study the proteome.
Here the technology of molecular imprinting of polymers (MIPs) will be presented starting from the historical perspective and moving to the description of the synthetic strategies for nanosizing the polymer dimension to the real protein-size and finally describing the integration of the MIP materials to cutting edge application in sensing and imaging.
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locandina seminario dott Gonzato  pdfpdf (it, 201 KB, 19/11/18)


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Data pubblicazione
19 novembre 2018

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