Faculty-Student Joint Committee

Nicola Vitulo
Type of body
Commissione Paritetica Docenti-Studenti

 The Faculty-Student Joint Committee is appointed by the Council of the Department of Biotechnology and shall be composed of an equal number of lecturers and students appointed by the Council as a permanent observatory with functions of proposal, monitoring, control and supervision of teaching activities. In particular, the Committee shall: a) carry out monitoring activities in relation to teaching activities and quality levels; b) supervise and monitor the services provided to students by lecturers and researchers; c) set the criteria for evaluating the results of the activities referred to in the previous points above; d) provide opinions on the establishment and cancellation of degree programmes.

The Faculty-Student Joint Committee annually draws up a report on the results of its monitoring, supervision and evaluation activities and forwards it to the Department Council and the University Evaluation Committee. The Joint Committee is one of the actors of the University's Quality Assurance system.


Department facilities
