INFO-BACT-MAR: Development of a computational platform for the traceability of microorganisms in agro-food processes using patented HPME markers.

Starting date
September 1, 2018
Duration (months)
Computer Science
Managers or local contacts
Giugno Rosalba

The project is part of a research path in the strategic area at the regional level "Smart Agrifood" in the Sector of "Agriculture/Food Industry".
The project proposes the development of a computational Platform for the processing and analysis of large data that allows accurate identification and traceability of microorganisms in agricultural and industrial processes.


FSE: European Social Fund - Regional Operative Program 2014/2020
Funds: assigned and managed by the department
Syllabus: FSE - Fondo Sociale Europeo

Project participants

Collaboratori esterni

Research areas involved in the project
Bioinformatica e informatica medica
Life and medical sciences  (DI)
Algoritmi, Logica e teoria della computazione
Life and medical sciences  (DI)


Research facilities
