A multidisciplinary study to identify the genetic and environmental causes of asthma in the European Community (GABRIEL) (Integrated Project n. LHSB-CT-2006-018996)

Starting date
March 1, 2006
Duration (months)
Managers or local contacts
Pignatti Pierfranco
SNP, microsatellite, asthma, atopy

Descrizione: We have collaborated to Whole Genome studies data analysis,and to the training program. We compared whole genome SNP genotyping
with microsatellite genotyping in the same cohort, compared with the same analysis data obtained in two other populations, collaborated to
the analysis of gene-gene interactions and LD block associations in the larger data set from the total project, collaborated to meta-analysis of
genome-wide linkage studies in asthma and atopy (Bouzigon E et al, Eur J Hum Genet 2010; 18:700)
(UNIVR partner 31)


Unione Europea
Funds: assigned and managed by the department
Syllabus: EUROPA - Progetti Europei

Project participants

Angela Begnini
Francesca Belpinati
Technical-administrative staff
Andrea Bisognin
Cristina Bombieri
Associate Professor
Attilio Boner


Research facilities
