I am intrigued by how proteins work and how they interact with each other. In my research I use a variety of biophysical techniques, in particular NMR, for the structural study of biomolecules and for the study of the mechanism of recognition between proteins in health and disease.
Our current projects regard the study of protein-protein interactions involving the Tau protein, a key player in the pathogenesis of Alzheimer's disease.
Modules running in the period selected: 26.
Click on the module to see the timetable and course details.
Di seguito sono elencati gli eventi e gli insegnamenti di Terza Missione collegati al docente:
Topic | Description | Research area |
Biological chemistry and chemical biology | Biological chemistry and chemical biology |
Chimica sintetica e materiali
Biological Chemistry and Chemical Biology |
Chemistry of biomacromolecules |
Structural , functional and expression proteomics
Biological chemistry |
Interazioni proteina-ligando e nanoparticella-biomolecola | Riconoscimento molecolare e caratterizzazione degli equilibri di associazione |
Structural , functional and expression proteomics
Molecular interactions |
Organic chemistry | Organic chemistry |
Chimica sintetica e materiali
Organic Chemistry |
Spettroscopia NMR biomolecolare | Esperimenti multinucleari, misure di rilassamento di spin, diffusione |
Structural , functional and expression proteomics
Spectroscopic and spectrometric techniques |
Structural biology | Structural biology |
Biochimica e Biologia Molecolare
Structural Biology |
Title | Starting date |
FYN-TAU - Studio strutturale di Fyn-Tau, un complesso macromolecolare chiave nella malattia di Alzheimer | 7/1/20 |
Role of polyubiquitination in Alzheimer’s disease | 11/1/17 |
Semi-synthesis and structural studies of ubiquitinated Tau | 10/1/16 |
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