Gene design and DNA arrays laboratory (2008/2009)

Course partially running

Course code
Tiziana Pandolfini
Teaching is organised as follows:
Unit Credits Academic sector Period Academic staff
Laboratorio di DNA arrays 2 BIO/04-PLANT PHYSIOLOGY 1° Sem Tiziana Pandolfini
Gene design 1 BIO/04-PLANT PHYSIOLOGY 1° Sem Tiziana Pandolfini

Learning outcomes

Module: Gene design
The objective of the course is the acquisition of knowledge about modern methods of transcriptome analysis and methodological approaches to functional genomics. The course examines DNA array technology describing how microarrays are manufactured and used.

Module: Laboratorio di DNA arrays

The objective is to learn how to perform a DNA-microarray experiment of gene expression analysis.


Module: Gene design
Methods of transcriptome analysis. DNA microarrays: experimental design, cDNA and oligonucleotide microarrays. Microarray printing. Total RNA and mRNA extraction, RNA amplification. cDNA synthesis and labeling. Microarray hybridisation and data acquisition. Applications of microarray technology. Design of gene constructs for functional analysis of genes.

Module: Laboratorio di DNA arrays

Extraction and purification of total RNA and mRNA from different tissues. RNA amplification and cDNA production. Direct and indirect cDNA labelling. Microarray hybridisation and image acquisition.

Assessment methods and criteria

Module: Gene design

Module: Laboratorio di DNA arrays


