Unit | Credits | Academic sector | Period | Academic staff |
Mod 1 laboratorio | 0.5 | AGR/07-AGRICULTURAL GENETICS | 2° Sem |
Mario Pezzotti
Mod 1 teoria | 2 | AGR/07-AGRICULTURAL GENETICS | 2° Sem |
Mario Pezzotti
Mod 2 laboratorio | 0.5 | AGR/16-AGRICULTURAL MICROBIOLOGY | 2° Sem |
Sandra Torriani
Mod 2 teoria | 1 | AGR/16-AGRICULTURAL MICROBIOLOGY | 2° Sem |
Sandra Torriani
Module: Mod 1 laboratorio
Laboratory practices for microorganism and plant GMO detection and quantification will be directly used in several different matrix food samples
Module: Mod 2 teoria
Module: Mod 1 teoria
The aim of the GMO class is to illustrate scientific elements and legal rules that characterize Genetic Modified Organism. The definition of GMO will be deeply discussed and will be presented the agronomic and industrial traits inserted in the microorganism and plant genomes. The official detection methods will be illustrated and fully discussed. EU and world legislation and regulation will be also discussed. Intellectual property, labeling and safety will be critically analyzed.
Module: Mod 2 laboratorio
Module: Mod 1 laboratorio
DNA extraction from microorganism, plant and food matrix
PCR and Real-Time analysis of targeted sequences
Module: Mod 2 teoria
Module: Mod 1 teoria
GMO legal regulation
The definition of GMO
Genetically modified traits
Notification of release
Methods of detecting and revealing
The sampling
Principles of methodology validation
International standard analysis
Intellectual property
Safety and labeling of GMO
Module: Mod 2 laboratorio
Module: Mod 1 laboratorio
Oral examination
Module: Mod 2 teoria
Module: Mod 1 teoria
Oral examination
Module: Mod 2 laboratorio
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