Biocrystallography (2006/2007)

Course partially running

Course code
Ugo Luigi Monaco
Teaching is organised as follows:
Unit Credits Academic sector Period Academic staff
Laboratorio 1 BIO/11-MOLECULAR BIOLOGY 2° Sem Massimiliano Perduca
Teoria 5 BIO/11-MOLECULAR BIOLOGY 2° Sem Ugo Luigi Monaco

Learning outcomes

Module: Teoria

Module: Laboratorio
The Biocrystallography laboratory introduces the students into the fundamentals of the field, particularly biological crystal growth. In addition to coveringh the practical aspects of protein crystal preparation, a diffraction data is collected and a protein structure is solved.


Module: Teoria

Module: Laboratorio
The Biocrystallography practical lessons entail a series of meetings focused on the following arguments:
1) An introduction covering macromolecular crystallization theory and the most used techniques.
2) Preparation of protein crystals using Microdialysis, Hanging and Sitting drop.
3) Collection of a dataset with a rotating anode conventional source, an image plate detector and a low temperature cooling system.
4) Data processing and analysis.
5) Solution of a protein structure using molecular replacement techniques.
6) Protein model building and refinement.
7) Presentation of the most widely used programs for molecular graphics.

Assessment methods and criteria

Module: Teoria

Module: Laboratorio
This topics are part of the Biocrystallography oral exam

