Resistance and resilience to changing climate wine grape growing regions in Italy

Starting date
January 1, 2015
Duration (months)
Managers or local contacts
Boselli Maurizio
global warming, adaptation,grapevine variety

Global climate change poses new challenges for plant species, including new and complex combinations of environmental conditions to which plants should adjust and adapt. Mediterranean ecosystems are recognized biodiversity hotspots, but are also global climate change hotspots due to the concerted action of multiple environmental drivers. This study aims to provide an improved assessment of the practical adaptation options for the viticulture of Tuscany and of Valpolicella and what could be the strength and resilience to climate change of grapevine varieties in these areas. 


Fondazione Cariverona
Funds: assigned and managed by an external body
Syllabus: ENTI.RIC - Finanziamento da enti vari per la ricerca

Project participants

Maurizio Boselli
Research areas involved in the project
Viticoltura ed enologia
Agriculture related to crop production, soil biology and cultivation, applied plant biology
Title Authors Year
Resistance and resilience to changing climate of Tuscany and Valpolicella wine grape growing regions in Italy. Boselli, Maurizio; Tempesta, G.; Fiorilo, M.; Brandi, M. 2016


Research facilities
