Computational Biology - Appello 28-02-2022

Computational Biology - Appello 28-02-2022

Examination marks. To get the total mark, you should add 15 points obtained with the article presentation.
The registration of the final mark IS NOT automatic: you should contact the professor by email communicating the total mark.

Matricola        Mark/16,00
VR464599        15
VR463726        15
VR457087        11
VR441135        10
VR464316        11
VR468404        12
VR410724        8

Data pubblicazione
venerdì 4 marzo 2022 - 17.18.39
Computational Biology - Appello 28-02-2022
Pubblicato da
Alejandro Giorgetti
Bioinformatica ed ingegneria proteica - BIOINFORMATICA (2018/2019)
Computational biology (2018/2019)
Computational biology (2019/2020)