Esami di Financial statement Analysis and Planning - LM VEM Viticoltura ed Enologia

Esami di Financial statement Analysis and Planning - LM VEM Viticoltura ed Enologia

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Publication date
Thursday, April 2, 2020 - 9:09:07 PM
Last Modified
Thursday, September 24, 2020- 5:26:03 PM
Esami di Financial statement Analysis and Planning - LM VEM Viticoltura ed Enologia
Published by
Sara Moggi
Wine business management tools - Balance analysis and business planning (2015/2016)
Wine business management tools - FINANCIAL STATEMENT ANALYSIS AND PLANNING (2018/2019)
Wine business management tools - FINANCIAL STATEMENT ANALYSIS AND COST ACCOUNTING (2016/2017)
Wine business management tools - Financial statement analysis and business planning (2014/2015)