Computational Biology - Appello 20-07-2020

Computational Biology - Appello 20-07-2020

Examination marks. To get the final mark, you should add 15 points obtained with the article presentation.
The registration of the final mark IS NOT automatic you should contact the professor by email communicating the total mark.
Matricola Voto
VR452278 11
VR445602 16
VR454907 12
VR454908 12
VR445641 15
VR445302 12
VR445092 16
VR454656 14
VR447086 15
VR455462 16
VR454654 15
VR451575 14
VR451449 11
VR452418 13
VR451382 11
VR451218 12
VR438795 14
Data pubblicazione
giovedì 6 agosto 2020 - 8.44.55
Computational Biology - Appello 20-07-2020
Pubblicato da
Alejandro Giorgetti
Bioinformatica ed ingegneria proteica - BIOINFORMATICA (2018/2019)
Bioinformatica ed ingegneria proteica - INGEGNERIA PROTEICA (2018/2019)
Computational biology (2019/2020)
Computational biology (2018/2019)