Research areas involved in the project | |
Genetica e genomica umana, vegetale e microbica
Genetics & Heredity (DBT) |
Genetica e genomica umana, vegetale e microbica
Genetics & Heredity (DDSP) (DDSP) |
Genetica e genomica umana, vegetale e microbica
Genetics & Heredity (DM) (DM) |
Genetica e genomica umana, vegetale e microbica
Genetics & Heredity (DNBM) (DNBM) |
Genetica e genomica umana, vegetale e microbica
Genetics & Heredity (DSVR) |
Title | Authors | Year |
AtCYS1, a cystatin from Arabidopsis thaliana, suppresses hypersensitive cell death. | BELENGHI B; ACCONCIA P; TROVATO M; PERAZZOLLI M; BOCEDI A.; POLTICELLI F; ASCENZI P; M. DELLEDONNE | 2003 |
Reactive oxygen intermediates modulate nitric oxide signaling in the plant hypersensitive disease response | Delledonne M., Murgia, I., Ederle D., Sbicego PF., Biondani A., Polverari A., Lamb C. | 2003 |
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